The Modern Mitchell's
Wednesday, May 20, 2015
My life has changed so much since the last post. I was supposed to keep up with this blog so Owen could look back on it and have great memories because honestly who blogs about the bad things anyway. Now since we have a new addition I have two reasons to blog.
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
4 things
1. Four TV shows that I watch:
Grey's Anatomy
American Pickers
Mysteries at the Museum
2. Four things that I’m passionate about:
my family
3. Four words/phrases I use a lot:
cuss words
can I ask a question
4. Four things I’ve learned from the past:
Always listen to your mom, she is always right
You may forgive someone but you can never forget
Children = happiness
Enjoy being young
5. Four places I would like to go:
New York
6. Four things I did yesterday:
spent time with family
missed Owen
7. Four things I am looking forward to:
2 years
My 25th birthday
having a giant family one day
Owen coming home
8.Four Five things I love about winter:
warm blankets
burning fireplaces
Grey's Anatomy
American Pickers
Mysteries at the Museum
2. Four things that I’m passionate about:
my family
3. Four words/phrases I use a lot:
cuss words
can I ask a question
4. Four things I’ve learned from the past:
Always listen to your mom, she is always right
You may forgive someone but you can never forget
Children = happiness
Enjoy being young
5. Four places I would like to go:
New York
6. Four things I did yesterday:
spent time with family
missed Owen
7. Four things I am looking forward to:
2 years
My 25th birthday
having a giant family one day
Owen coming home
warm blankets
burning fireplaces
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Even Happier - Week 7
I'm behind. I am going to try to play catch-up.
This week's chapter is called "Learning from Painful Experiences."
This has to be one of my favorite chapters. In the words of Viktor Frankl, "What man actually needs is not a tensionless state but rather the striving and struggling for some goal worthy of him. What he needs is not the discharge of tension at any cos, but the call of a potential meaning waiting to be fulfilled by him."
I have had my share of painful experiences. I still have an amazing life and some people have been through much worse. It is unrealistic for any person to be happy all the time. I think this was my biggest struggle. I am not happy all the time nor should anyone be.
The book says, "We should remember that going through difficult times can augment our capacity for pleasure: it keeps us from taking pleasure for granted, reminds us to be grateful for all the large and small pleasures in our lives."
This week's chapter is called "Learning from Painful Experiences."
This has to be one of my favorite chapters. In the words of Viktor Frankl, "What man actually needs is not a tensionless state but rather the striving and struggling for some goal worthy of him. What he needs is not the discharge of tension at any cos, but the call of a potential meaning waiting to be fulfilled by him."
I have had my share of painful experiences. I still have an amazing life and some people have been through much worse. It is unrealistic for any person to be happy all the time. I think this was my biggest struggle. I am not happy all the time nor should anyone be.
The book says, "We should remember that going through difficult times can augment our capacity for pleasure: it keeps us from taking pleasure for granted, reminds us to be grateful for all the large and small pleasures in our lives."
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Owen Tyler Tuesday
So Owen is officially a man of some sense for Brett. He shot his first deer. He did have help lining up the shot then Brett stepped away and Owen shot a black buck doe. I think Brett may have been more proud the Owen.
I believe it may be a sickness. He is going again this weekend and cannot wait. Yes and Brett needs to use sunblock!
I believe it may be a sickness. He is going again this weekend and cannot wait. Yes and Brett needs to use sunblock!
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Owen Tyler Tuesday
The other night Owen wrote down his Christmas List for 2010. Santa might bring him a trampoline, but Santa will not bring him a go-cart or a TV for his room.
On Friday, Owen had Thanksgiving at school and he was allowed to dress as an Indian or Pilgrim. He wanted to be an Indian. Our little boy is getting to big and he is happy to be out of school this week and at Memaw's house.
On Friday, Owen had Thanksgiving at school and he was allowed to dress as an Indian or Pilgrim. He wanted to be an Indian. Our little boy is getting to big and he is happy to be out of school this week and at Memaw's house.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Owen Tyler Tuesday
The first week of school Owen lost his first tooth at school in his corn dog at lunch. Brett was sad that we weren't there to witness it. I picked him up from daycare and he was so excited. He was playing outside that is why he looks so hot and sweaty, he was.
The tooth fairy got too excited and gave Owen too much money. The tooth fairy's wife hopes that is not expected for every tooth.
In other news Tball is over. They did really good even though I don't think Owen knew what was going on half the time. The won 2nd place in the 2 day tournament they attended. We were really proud and hope he enjoys sports as much as Brett and I enjoy watching them.
I don't want to forget the funny things Owen says. With Brett's recent change in occupation, Brett and I tend to talk a lot about being happy with our careers. I never think about all the things that Owen hears us say. The other day I was mowing the yard and some of the children from the neighborhood were playing with Owen. I had stopped mowing and was walking around the corner when I heard one of the kids ask Owen is his dad was a firefighter. Owen looked at him and said "No." Then the kid asked Owen "well, what does he do then." Owen looked at him and said "He burns dead people.," Oh, I think I almost passed out. The kid said "huh," and Owen said "He cremates people, duh." Poor kid went home.
The tooth fairy got too excited and gave Owen too much money. The tooth fairy's wife hopes that is not expected for every tooth.
In other news Tball is over. They did really good even though I don't think Owen knew what was going on half the time. The won 2nd place in the 2 day tournament they attended. We were really proud and hope he enjoys sports as much as Brett and I enjoy watching them.
I don't want to forget the funny things Owen says. With Brett's recent change in occupation, Brett and I tend to talk a lot about being happy with our careers. I never think about all the things that Owen hears us say. The other day I was mowing the yard and some of the children from the neighborhood were playing with Owen. I had stopped mowing and was walking around the corner when I heard one of the kids ask Owen is his dad was a firefighter. Owen looked at him and said "No." Then the kid asked Owen "well, what does he do then." Owen looked at him and said "He burns dead people.," Oh, I think I almost passed out. The kid said "huh," and Owen said "He cremates people, duh." Poor kid went home.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Even Happier - Week 6
Week 6 is titled Benevolence. Benevolence means an act of, or a general inclination towards, charity. The author states that "Helping oneself and helping others are inextricably intertwined: the more we help others, the happier we become; the happier we become, the more inclined we are to help others." Today is Veterans Day and this reminds me about people caring so much about Veterans on Veterans Day, but what about the other 364 days of the year? People volunteer on Christmas and Thanksgiving at soup kitchens but what about days that aren't holidays? I do not volunteer as often as I should and I could come up with a million excuses but they would be just that excuses. The other day Brett and I bought some Sprinkles cupcakes to donate to the Salvation Army. We didn't eat them because we had just had breakfast. After leaving Sprinkles we were stopped at a red light and there was a homeless man asking for money, Brett rolled down his window and asked him if he wanted a cupcake, he did and Brett gave him a Sprinkles Red Velvet cupcake. I hope it was the best cupcake he has ever had.
Friday, November 5, 2010
I'm too busy!!!
Time feels like it is flying by. Life in the Mitchell house has changed drastically since I last blogged. I talked about job drama for B and I, well B's job drama went away. On a Sunday in September, I can't remember the exact date, he went to work. We talked as usual throughout the day and he told me he was having a bad day. Then he called me that evening and told me he QUIT. :o WHAT, you just quit your job.... you're joking right??? I can't say that I wouldn't have done the same thing if I were him, or maybe I wish I were him. Firefighting is how we met, it is our life, hell our house is decorated with fire stuff everywhere. I was really sad, but we will have a better life and B is really happy now. He works with his dad.
Owen is so grown up and says the funniest things, I want to remember them so I need to start blogging them.
Life has been amazing lately, but the days just seem to fly by. I can't remember the last time we were home for more than a couple hours except to sleep. My house is a wreck the backyard looks like a jungle, B is sick, but we are all just so happy. I love my boys more than anything and I see Brett maturing more and more everyday.
Owen is so grown up and says the funniest things, I want to remember them so I need to start blogging them.
Life has been amazing lately, but the days just seem to fly by. I can't remember the last time we were home for more than a couple hours except to sleep. My house is a wreck the backyard looks like a jungle, B is sick, but we are all just so happy. I love my boys more than anything and I see Brett maturing more and more everyday.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Even Happier - Week 5
Week 5 is titled "Meaning." What is more meaningful to you than all of the gold in Fort Knox? My family is more meaningful to me than the world! Brett and I are at such a happy place and have figured out that even if the stuff going on around us sucks, it is not his fault or mine. We just have to be able to support each other emotionally through the rough patches of the outside. We really want to run away together, of course we would take Owen with us. We have become a drama free zone but life is always full of drama. Our home no longer harbors drama it is the places where we have to go each day that seems to seep into our lives.
"Happiness, not wealth or prestige, is the ultimate currency." Love that quote by the author. I see people around me all day that are fake as fake can be. My personal life makes me happy. If I'm not making the big bucks because I don't have a prestigeous job, who cares. I don't anymore. I LOVE MY LIFE!
"Happiness, not wealth or prestige, is the ultimate currency." Love that quote by the author. I see people around me all day that are fake as fake can be. My personal life makes me happy. If I'm not making the big bucks because I don't have a prestigeous job, who cares. I don't anymore. I LOVE MY LIFE!
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Even Happier - Week 4
The Work Paradox
"People prefer leisure to work," duh! However, they say that people have more "flow" experiences at work. "Flow" translates to being in the zone, fully immersed in what you are going.
I look at it this way, Someone is paying me to be in that zone. Can someone pay me to clean my house or run errands I will be fully immersed in it then.
Anyone that know me well, know about my work experience. I have had positive and very negative experiences. The book says, "When we automatically and regularly evaluate positive experiences at work negatively, simply as a learned response, we are severely limiting our potential for happiness."
Wow, did the book read my mind. Maybe I should stop looking at work like I do. It is a JOB and they pay me to be here. So from today on (or last week on) who cares if work is not fun one day. It pays the bills. I do love, love, love my boss though. He is the most generous man.
Brett is going through some stuff at work too. Even if you do not work in an office there are going to be office politics. It is politics are BAD at a fire station. Any station, we think. He will get through it though. He is an amazing firefighter and still loves the working part of it.
We have a great weekend lined up!!! YAY! I need it!
"People prefer leisure to work," duh! However, they say that people have more "flow" experiences at work. "Flow" translates to being in the zone, fully immersed in what you are going.
I look at it this way, Someone is paying me to be in that zone. Can someone pay me to clean my house or run errands I will be fully immersed in it then.
Anyone that know me well, know about my work experience. I have had positive and very negative experiences. The book says, "When we automatically and regularly evaluate positive experiences at work negatively, simply as a learned response, we are severely limiting our potential for happiness."
Wow, did the book read my mind. Maybe I should stop looking at work like I do. It is a JOB and they pay me to be here. So from today on (or last week on) who cares if work is not fun one day. It pays the bills. I do love, love, love my boss though. He is the most generous man.
Brett is going through some stuff at work too. Even if you do not work in an office there are going to be office politics. It is politics are BAD at a fire station. Any station, we think. He will get through it though. He is an amazing firefighter and still loves the working part of it.
We have a great weekend lined up!!! YAY! I need it!
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Even Happier - Week 3
Week 3 is all about Physical Activity
Supposedly, exercising is like taking an antidepressant. Everyone knows that Brett and I could use more exercicing. We started walking the dogs at night and since Owen started Tball we try to practice with him too.
The book says, "Having a bout of exercise is like taking a little bit of Prozac and a little bit of Ritalin, right where it is supposed to go."
On to week 4, really, we are actually starting week 4 tonight!
Supposedly, exercising is like taking an antidepressant. Everyone knows that Brett and I could use more exercicing. We started walking the dogs at night and since Owen started Tball we try to practice with him too.
The book says, "Having a bout of exercise is like taking a little bit of Prozac and a little bit of Ritalin, right where it is supposed to go."
On to week 4, really, we are actually starting week 4 tonight!
Monday, August 30, 2010
Week 2 - Rituals Even Happier
This was a couple of weeks ago, I vow to get caught up. Week 2 in Even Happier is about creating Rituals. We left Owen out this week because we thought it would be pretty hard for a 6-year-old to try to keep a ritual up.
Brett's ritual is really for me I think but can be for him to: He wants 45 mins. of downtime before 8:00 PM every day.
I will give you the details behind this. As soon as I get home in the afternoons, the kitchen, the laundry, dinner stuff that people do to keep their household running calls my name. Most days I give in to the calls, but Brett rather me come in and just hangout with him and Owen. I agree that I should do this more often. I have been trying really hard and he makes sure to remind me daily.
I have 2 rituals. My first is to stop cussing. Every time I think I might cuss I want to take 5 deep breaths and say something else. Growing up in my family, cussing was not a big deal so I became used to it being apart of my vocabulary as an adult. It is a very bad habit I am trying to break.
So far I am doing really well until it come to a certain person. She will remain anonymous, but let's just call her M. LOL, funny story on that note. Owen went to his mom's house yesterday to spend the day and I told him not to take his new toy because she always keeps our nice stuff and send him home with crap. Crap toys, crap clothes. The clothes really make me mad, I want to start sending him in his underwear it has gotten so bad. Anyway, so he takes the really cool toy gun that Pop bought him at the gun show. I warned him. Well, he didn't come home with it. So this morning Brett called me at work to tell me the first thing Owen said when he woke up. "Mindy took my gun and told me I had to leave it at her house, can mom call her and be mean to get it back?" So it's really funny but kinda sad that he knows we don't get along.
And, he came home in gym shorts and a walmart tee and she just happened to forget to bring his nice shorts home. Imagine that....
Brett's ritual is really for me I think but can be for him to: He wants 45 mins. of downtime before 8:00 PM every day.
I will give you the details behind this. As soon as I get home in the afternoons, the kitchen, the laundry, dinner stuff that people do to keep their household running calls my name. Most days I give in to the calls, but Brett rather me come in and just hangout with him and Owen. I agree that I should do this more often. I have been trying really hard and he makes sure to remind me daily.
I have 2 rituals. My first is to stop cussing. Every time I think I might cuss I want to take 5 deep breaths and say something else. Growing up in my family, cussing was not a big deal so I became used to it being apart of my vocabulary as an adult. It is a very bad habit I am trying to break.
So far I am doing really well until it come to a certain person. She will remain anonymous, but let's just call her M. LOL, funny story on that note. Owen went to his mom's house yesterday to spend the day and I told him not to take his new toy because she always keeps our nice stuff and send him home with crap. Crap toys, crap clothes. The clothes really make me mad, I want to start sending him in his underwear it has gotten so bad. Anyway, so he takes the really cool toy gun that Pop bought him at the gun show. I warned him. Well, he didn't come home with it. So this morning Brett called me at work to tell me the first thing Owen said when he woke up. "Mindy took my gun and told me I had to leave it at her house, can mom call her and be mean to get it back?" So it's really funny but kinda sad that he knows we don't get along.
And, he came home in gym shorts and a walmart tee and she just happened to forget to bring his nice shorts home. Imagine that....
Friday, August 27, 2010
Even Happier - A 52 Week Project
So in an attempt to make myself and my family happier I am making them be apart of the 52 Week Project, Even Happier
Week 1 - On Being Grateful - A couple of weeks ago, oops
Daily Gratitude List
Day 1 - Owen: Playing w/Dad and playing with dogs
Brett: Playing w/Owen and spending time with Anna
Anna: Job interview and night with my boys
Day 2 - Owen: Caring for God & Being kind
Brett: Job and Payday
Anna: Bonus & Upcoming Vacation
Day 3 - Owen: Food & swimming
Brett: Seeing Anna & Owen while at work
Anna: Clean house and vacation
Day 4 - Owen: Medieval Times and spending time with Mom and Dad
Brett: Medieval Times and spending time at home
Anna: Seeing Owen smile @ Medieval Times and family
Day 5 - Owen: Flags and Liberty
Brett: Movies with Anna & Owen's DS working
Anna: Getting ready for vacation and date with hubby
Day 6 - Owen: Watching Cartoons and being with Maddy
Brett: Having a job and upcoming vacation
Anna: Last day of work and my lovely home
Day 7 - Owen: Being at the beach and surfing
Brett: Being on Vacation and Talk with Pop
Anna: Vacation and smart conversations
Week 1 - On Being Grateful - A couple of weeks ago, oops
Daily Gratitude List
Day 1 - Owen: Playing w/Dad and playing with dogs
Brett: Playing w/Owen and spending time with Anna
Anna: Job interview and night with my boys
Day 2 - Owen: Caring for God & Being kind
Brett: Job and Payday
Anna: Bonus & Upcoming Vacation
Day 3 - Owen: Food & swimming
Brett: Seeing Anna & Owen while at work
Anna: Clean house and vacation
Day 4 - Owen: Medieval Times and spending time with Mom and Dad
Brett: Medieval Times and spending time at home
Anna: Seeing Owen smile @ Medieval Times and family
Day 5 - Owen: Flags and Liberty
Brett: Movies with Anna & Owen's DS working
Anna: Getting ready for vacation and date with hubby
Day 6 - Owen: Watching Cartoons and being with Maddy
Brett: Having a job and upcoming vacation
Anna: Last day of work and my lovely home
Day 7 - Owen: Being at the beach and surfing
Brett: Being on Vacation and Talk with Pop
Anna: Vacation and smart conversations
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Monday, June 28, 2010
Happy 27th Birthday Hubby
11 days late, but we've been super busy. I love you more than I ever imagined I could ever love someone. You are an amazing husband (sometimes ;) ) an amazing dad and a great best friend to have. Owen and I would be lost without you. On your birthday we were on our way to crappy Kansas but ended up going to dinner with your brother. The next day we had grasshopper pie. I'm sorry your birthday was ideal but maybe next year. You will be closer to 30!!!!
Monday, June 14, 2010
Brett makes another appearance on TV
My hubby was on TV again. This time it was for a car that ran into a tree then a house in Lancaster. It is funny how excited they get when they are on TV. Below is a link to the story and a picture a captured off our TV. Yay for DVR.
Friday, June 4, 2010
Memorial Day 2010
For Memorial weekend this year we packed up and headed to the Ranch. Dogs and all. When the dogs are in Brett's car it makes for a very stressful trip down there.
We played on the spillway for awhile because the beach had a ton of moss.

The dogs seemed to enjoy it.
On Saturday Brett headed out early for work and Owen and I slept until around 9:30. We put our suites on and headed to the pool. Creek and Brooke showed up and Owen and Creek played in the pool all day.
They took one break the whole day to watch a movie. I think we watched Bee Movie 8 times the entire weekend.
Owen got pretty red.
Sunday was Brice's 11th birthday party at the lake for bridge jumping. We had fun hanging with the fam and swimming at the pool after all the guest were gone. Monday we did the same, slept late for me and swam all day. It was an amazing, restful weekend and I had so much fun.
Owen Memorial Day 2010
Owen Memorial Day 2009

Please stop growing up!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We made it around 6 and changed into our suits and headed to the lake.

On Saturday Brett headed out early for work and Owen and I slept until around 9:30. We put our suites on and headed to the pool. Creek and Brooke showed up and Owen and Creek played in the pool all day.

Sunday was Brice's 11th birthday party at the lake for bridge jumping. We had fun hanging with the fam and swimming at the pool after all the guest were gone. Monday we did the same, slept late for me and swam all day. It was an amazing, restful weekend and I had so much fun.
Owen Memorial Day 2010

Please stop growing up!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Taking Owen to School
This morning I had to take Owen to school because Brett was stuck on a fire.
Taking Owen to school has always been pretty stressful to me because it makes me late to work. This morning I forgot to wear mascara but Owen was so sweet when he got out of the car. I told him to have a good day and he just grinned from ear to ear. He waved to me the entire time he walked into school. I waited for him to go in the door because it was so sweet. Oh, somedays Owen and I have our days but tonight I think I will spend a little more time cuddling him. STOP GROWING UP PLEASE!!!! Be my little 14 month old baby that used to let me hold him all the time.

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