Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Even Happier - Week 5

Week 5 is titled "Meaning." What is more meaningful to you than all of the gold in Fort Knox? My family is more meaningful to me than the world! Brett and I are at such a happy place and have figured out that even if the stuff going on around us sucks, it is not his fault or mine. We just have to be able to support each other emotionally through the rough patches of the outside. We really want to run away together, of course we would take Owen with us. We have become a drama free zone but life is always full of drama. Our home no longer harbors drama it is the places where we have to go each day that seems to seep into our lives.

"Happiness, not wealth or prestige, is the ultimate currency." Love that quote by the author. I see people around me all day that are fake as fake can be. My personal life makes me happy. If I'm not making the big bucks because I don't have a prestigeous job, who cares. I don't anymore. I LOVE MY LIFE!

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