Wednesday, December 29, 2010

4 things

1. Four TV shows that I watch:


Grey's Anatomy

American Pickers

Mysteries at the Museum

2. Four things that I’m passionate about:

my family




 3. Four words/phrases I use a lot:

cuss words
can I ask a question
4. Four things I’ve learned from the past:

Always listen to your mom, she is always right
You may forgive someone but you can never forget
Children = happiness
Enjoy being young
5. Four places I would like to go:



New York


6. Four things I did yesterday:



spent time with family

missed Owen
7. Four things I am looking forward to:

2 years
My 25th birthday
having a giant family one day

Owen coming home
8. Four Five things I love about winter:


warm blankets

burning fireplaces


Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Even Happier - Week 7

I'm behind. I am going to try to play catch-up.

This week's chapter is called "Learning from Painful Experiences."

This has to be one of my favorite chapters. In the words of Viktor Frankl, "What man actually needs is not a tensionless state but rather the striving and struggling for some goal worthy of him. What he needs is not the discharge of tension at any cos, but the call of a potential meaning waiting to be fulfilled by him."

I have had my share of painful experiences. I still have an amazing life and some people have been through much worse. It is unrealistic for any person to be happy all the time. I think this was my biggest struggle. I am not happy all the time nor should anyone be.

The book says, "We should remember that going through difficult times can augment our capacity for pleasure: it keeps us from taking pleasure for granted, reminds us to be grateful for all the large and small pleasures in our lives."

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Owen Tyler Tuesday

So Owen is officially a man of some sense for Brett. He shot his first deer. He did have help lining up the shot then Brett stepped away and Owen shot a black buck doe. I think Brett may have been more proud the Owen.

I believe it may be a sickness. He is going again this weekend and cannot wait. Yes and Brett needs to use sunblock!