Thursday, May 27, 2010

Taking Owen to School

This morning I had to take Owen to school because Brett was stuck on a fire.

Taking Owen to school has always been pretty stressful to me because it makes me late to work. This morning I forgot to wear mascara but Owen was so sweet when he got out of the car. I told him to have a good day and he just grinned from ear to ear. He waved to me the entire time he walked into school. I waited for him to go in the door because it was so sweet. Oh, somedays Owen and I have our days but tonight I think I will spend a little more time cuddling him. STOP GROWING UP PLEASE!!!! Be my little 14 month old baby that used to let me hold him all the time.

Wordless Wednesday on Thursday

Going here this weekend, enough said.

The Christmas Snow 2009 at the Ranch.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Sunday Fire

On Sunday I received a text from Brett at 3:31 PM saying:

So usually he text me or calls after the fire so I know he is OK, so I'm waiting and waiting... no call. My stomach starts to hurt because I'm nervous. I text no response, I call no response.

So at 7:48 I get...

Roof fell in... complete panic sits in I call, no answer, but he texts back.

Here is the link to the news...

So next morning he can't turn his head. Great, PTO day to get x-rays. Hubby with pinched nerve in neck = fun stuff. I'm just glad he is ok. Oh, and Justin's back is just sore. :)

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Relay for Life 2010

Friday was our Relay for Life and it was so much fun. We had to have crazy birthday hats for the event and I had a lady I work with make mine and it was so cute.

We raised over $2500 as a team and I raised $355. We got to visit with our friends and make new ones too. Owen had a blast but was sore on Saturday for running the track without shoes. I jogged/walked 6 miles. It was hot until the sun went down. I think Brett enjoyed it too. Our shirts were really cute too. On the back they have I love my Red Oak firefighter.

We left around 1:30, I kinda wish I would have stayed the entire night. Next year I will have to do that. All the ladies had a good time and we plan to do more charity events in the near future.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Crazy Texas Weather

Yesterday we had our first official crazy weather day, and boy was it crazy. Brett caught a picture while driving the firetruck... safe, right? Anyway, I sent it in to our local news station and they ran it on the 9:00 news. Said our names and everything. But... we didn't get to see or hear it because our cable was out due to the weather. Boo!!! Our only time we will probably ever be talked about on tv and we missed it. Everyone at work was telling me about it though.

Tonight is our Relay for Life event that I am apart of with the firefighter wives. I'm kinda of excited for the bonding that might take place, I need more girlfriends but am not thrilled about the staying up all night part. We are in the process of planning our summer vacation to Clearwater, but airline tickets are so expensive. And the idea of driving 19 hours, well who in their right mind would do that by choice. Ugh, I have a love/hate relationship with money.

So this post really doesn't have a point except that my life isn't all that exciting and I never have anything to write about. I want to write more so I can turn each year into a book for Owen to have one day. We will see how much I can post. I don't think anyone reads this anyway, it is more for us to look back at.

Have a great weekend to nobody!