Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Even Happier - Week 4

The Work Paradox

"People prefer leisure to work," duh! However, they say that people have more "flow" experiences at work. "Flow" translates to being in the zone, fully immersed in what you are going.

I look at it this way, Someone is paying me to be in that zone. Can someone pay me to clean my house or run errands I will be fully immersed in it then.

Anyone that know me well, know about my work experience. I have had positive and very negative experiences. The book says, "When we automatically and regularly evaluate positive experiences at work negatively, simply as a learned response, we are severely limiting our potential for happiness."

Wow, did the book read my mind. Maybe I should stop looking at work like I do. It is a JOB and they pay me to be here. So from today on (or last week on) who cares if work is not fun one day. It pays the bills. I do love, love, love my boss though. He is the most generous man. 

Brett is going through some stuff at work too. Even if you do not work in an office there are going to be office politics. It is politics are BAD at a fire station. Any station, we think. He will get through it though. He is an amazing firefighter and still loves the working part of it.

We have a great weekend lined up!!! YAY! I need it!

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