So yesterday I had a sore throat. Took some sleepy time medicine and was woken up this morning at 4:38 AM to some guy starting his truck outside our window. So here comes a list of I hates....
1. I hate living in an apartment (i.e. hearing every time someone below, above or beside you turns on their water. Sometimes you can hear people peeing in the toilet... really not joking. When your apartment is next to the parking lot, you hear them start their cars, they are not nice enough to keep their lights off at 4:38 AM until they are not in your window. Every time the kid upstairs rides his
Heelys across his kitchen floor. Not having a yard for Owen to play in. Hearing him ask why other people have yards and we don't. Then he tries to prove we are better by saying "but they don't have a parking lot like we do!" Ha Ha, makes me feel so accomplished. Having to walk 1/2 a mile to get my mail out of some tiny hole that the mail never fits in. Having to fight for a parking spot at your own house. Carrying groceries upstairs without help and a sleepy 4 year old wanting you to carry him while I am holding 8 bags of groceries. Getting notes on our doors warning us if we do anything at all we will be fined... every time we get one more note the fine goes up. (They might as well threaten jail time)
2. Being sick
3. Student loans
4. Overdraft Fees
5. Being called "
step mom" because someone is insecure about themselves
6. Working
7. Being poor
8. Not spending enough time with my family
9. Living for the weekends
10. 2 door cars when you have children
11. Getting up everyday at 5:30 then driving for 30
minutes in traffic
So, I think that's enough for now. It makes me angry every time I write more.
It's just one of those days!