Lately life has been amazing.
Easter was not without its drama but when you get family together isn't there always drama? We had a great time with both side of the family and Owen looked adorable. Yay clearance sale at Children's Place.
The only thing I can say hasn't gone my way is the housekeeper but can you really complain?? At least Brett lets me have one at all. She called in sick yesterday and we have family coming into town for Brett's award banquet tonight so yesterday I had to clean my own house... including the toliet in Owen's bathroom. Not cool. It really didn't take me long once I got started. Now I didn't say it was housekeeper clean but I guess its Anna clean. I have been enjoying my evenings lately with my boys. Owen plays outside until dark most days because the weather is so pretty. A couple of weekends ago we and I use we lightly, planted trees for spring. Our backyard may or maynot be a forest one day but I know Brett enjoyed the quaility time he got to spend with his dad and grandpa while they helped.
The pictures are on my FB so I'll have to post them later. I'm really glad it is Friday. This week seemed long.
Easter was not without its drama but when you get family together isn't there always drama? We had a great time with both side of the family and Owen looked adorable. Yay clearance sale at Children's Place.
The only thing I can say hasn't gone my way is the housekeeper but can you really complain?? At least Brett lets me have one at all. She called in sick yesterday and we have family coming into town for Brett's award banquet tonight so yesterday I had to clean my own house... including the toliet in Owen's bathroom. Not cool. It really didn't take me long once I got started. Now I didn't say it was housekeeper clean but I guess its Anna clean. I have been enjoying my evenings lately with my boys. Owen plays outside until dark most days because the weather is so pretty. A couple of weekends ago we and I use we lightly, planted trees for spring. Our backyard may or maynot be a forest one day but I know Brett enjoyed the quaility time he got to spend with his dad and grandpa while they helped.
The pictures are on my FB so I'll have to post them later. I'm really glad it is Friday. This week seemed long.